You can still download Darkest Dungeon 2 on Steam Deck and it runs ok, but the controls need a lot of tweaking as you have to essentially map keyboard and mouse controls across the various buttons available on the Steam Deck. It’s also currently not officially supported on Steam Deck. Controller support is slated to come later, which poses a problem for playing this on a Steam Deck where you rely on controller style gameplay most of the time. While it technically just came out of Early Access, the fact it doesn’t yet have controller support isn’t great when they’re indicating it’s a complete game. When you look at Darkest Dungeon 2 on the Steam store, you’ll notice a few things that indicate the state the game is in. It’s on Steam, but is it something you can run on the Steam Deck? Can Darkest Dungeon be Played on the Steam Deck? If you’ve played the first game, you’ll know that its character management, turn based combat, and exploration would make it an ideal game to be played portably.

Darkest Dungeon 2 attempts to build on the original game by adding some interesting new ideas to the formula while retaining what made the original so good. Darkest Dungeon 2 by developer Red Hook Studios is the sequel to the widely enjoyed Darkest Dungeon which featured roguelike systems and turn-based combat.